Everything we see is fleeting, we are the product of what we see and if what we perceive is superficial everything we do has no real meaning.
We are born and live believing that life on earth is eternal, for this reason many work tirelessly to accumulate material wealth, we were born in the culture of selfishness and create a world adapted to that culture. When selfishness dominates the spirit, the spirit is blinded by a single vision of the self and nothing but the self, outside of that self there is nothing but emptiness.
From the spiritual world we arrive to fulfill a mission and the most important thing of that mission is to improve as a spirit, few are those who understand this, since many come willing to improve but on earth forget everything they are and give themselves to the material unbridledness of a life as fleeting as the autumn of a season.
Everyone who blindly accumulates wealth without remembering the brother who is cold and hungry, will be the poorest in the spiritual world because hell itself is in our most intimate unconscious and the best of paradises dwells in our consciousness. You are what you believe, each benevolent action brings you closer to the light, each bad action brings you closer to the inner hell where the most absolute solitude is the queen of darkness.

As a humble messenger of the spiritual world, I want to make the brothers aware that if you take advantage of existence in a conscious way, thinking about the one who suffers, helping the needy you will be one step away from true happiness, that happiness is called freedom and it is only free when you realize that you are not alone in the world that there are many and that these many have the same origin, an initial point, all of us come from the light and many of us lose our way in the darkness of the ego.
What more happiness than knowing yourself, there is no more beautiful feeling than feeling that you are fulfilling the mission of improving yourself, this as I said before is achieved by sharing, any minimum good deed is one more step towards eternal happiness.
What loneliness feel those who only live for money, what absurdity that accumulates wealth with which it could subsist for hundreds of years, poor blind people who do not see that the instant is lost and all material disappears, sharing a little to improve the existence of others is the best legacy that any spirit can leave on earth, the light rewards that they have no doubt about this.

Every suffering caused by breaking the law of love in the spiritual world becomes the most absolute suffering, say we create our hell or our paradise in the spiritual world according to our actions.
Whoever wants to be blind knowing that he can see, will not see the light when true blindness arrives.
Share if The light gave you the opportunity to share, we are born to be free and freedom is not to tie you to matter that will soon disappear.


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