greed spiritual cancer

There are people who are born and die without knowing that they have existed, are people who have lived for a single goal to satisfy the present believing that they will be on earth forever. The greatest poverty that can exist is the spiritual void, when the human being gives himself to greed is actually giving himself to solitude this is proven by the number of people who have immense wealth and are unhappy, the thought of these individuals have set a single goal to continue accumulating wealth, in some cases accumulate as much wealth to live thousands of years without problems, the question is who lives a thousand years? Absurd do not believe.
All this worsens when these people besides being greedy are also selfish, on a spiritual level these spirits are in the lower echelons of the spirit, after leaving the earthly life begin the worst of martyrdom, the condemnation of consciousness.
Life in the realm of spirituality intensifies, all evil caused among one's fellowmen, every good act that could be done and was not done remains a debt to the spirit, every path leads to light but before reaching it it is necessary to vibrate in love because in the spiritual world everything is vibration, the denser or lower energies can never mix with the subtler or higher ones.
I don't want to say that having money is bad, but what is very bad is not lending a hand to those who suffer and turning our backs on those who need help, it is the worst debt that can be charged when we leave for the spiritual world.
We all come to the world with the same mission to improve ourselves as a spirit, the removal of debts of the spiritual past, from the richest to the poorest we all have spiritual debts, the richest of now may be the poorest in a future existence and this usually happens as a general rule in greedy and selfish people who live a life dedicated to materiality without thinking even a second of others, these spirits are not aware of the present and for this reason will suffer spiritual burdens and suffer unhappiness until they awaken from the spiritual lethargy in which they are.
Work and fulfill your dreams, but do not forget that the real success is not to reach the summit of materialism, the real success is to know how to share and cooperate to alleviate suffering by contributing to the realization of a more just world for all, this is how we fully realize ourselves as spirits and is how we get to the last and final spiritual stage that is the reunion with light and true happiness.
Remember that everything is ephemeral and fleeting except one's own consciousness, it accompanies us to the spiritual world, it is our own hell or paradise according to our actions.
We are universal energy, light is the way of truth and darkness is the blindness that leads us to the abyss of unhappiness.
 Are you truly happy?  Reflection.


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