We are all born with the same mission to improve ourselves as spiritual beings, we come from the light but many of us get lost in the dark nooks and crannies of darkness. No one is born perfect, perfection is achieved by learning the lessons of life and to achieve that goal is necessary the experience that makes the spirit a perfect being. Each new life is a new stage and a new opportunity to advance a step in the search for happiness the ultimate goal of all being, reincarnation is a necessary tool for the learning of the spirit, through the repetition of experiences is achieved to overcome imperfections because this comes after a long stage of suffering to the deep reflection of the spirit itself. There are beings who understand before others, some remain at the lower levels of spirituality for many lifetimes because they fail to overcome imperfections and are attracted by the darker side of the spirit, these beings remain for many lifetimes at those lower levels of spirituality s...