
Mostrando entradas de 2015

Spiritual Blindness, EMPTY LIVES

We are born and grow according to our beliefs and habits, when we have the feeling that we are missing something in our lives," is the time to begin the search to fill this vacuum, because it is possible that the beliefs we have about the reality may be erroneous and the habits acquired on the progress of our existence we have been away from the right path. The view from the spiritual side has a very different from the prism that lives in a perfunctory manner or excessively materialistic.Individuals who have been raised part of the slope that belongs to the material world are closer to the spiritual summit and the true consequences of this fact is seeking to turn away from the harmful, drug addiction, alcoholism, games because they know that this is a worldly conduct own of the spirits that still remain in ignorance, the individuals who know part of the truth you know that certain harmful behaviors are taken by certain individuals because of the spiritual blindness an...


Traducir Have you ever wondered who you are and because nightlife, are questions that many of us have done at some time in our lives,being interested in these issues is a clear indication that your be looking for meaning to the circumstances of the time, everything was done on the spirit in the individual denotes some indication of spiritual knowledge, this may be the product of this is say the pump makes the knowledge explosion in the present life or is the result past experiences or previous lives. Spiritual people are people that tend to reflect on the causes of the life and for the same reason, we are moved between the here and the beyond, always walking toward the wisdom, many of these individuals are deeply distressed manuscripts of this issue but there are already a principle of search,others are more avenues to the spiritual world and living life with the certainty of a life beyond this refuge of calamities and learning are people more h...


I am writing this article with the idea of reaching the hearts of those who read, and with a single specific purpose to help the stranded and lost in the spiritual ignorance. I write from the perspective of a medium that has worked for many years helping the needy from the anonymity, because there are basic rule that a good medium has to understand and is that the mediumnidad is a legacy of the light and for that reason one should never trade with it, simply we have to love, God, Light and for this reason everything that we need to do is with a single order release to the needy of the hopelessness, bringing light to the darkness without more,Also say that a good medium is a normal person ,integrated in the society,with a job and family without eccentricities or strange things did not go on television or on the radio because we don't like the visibility, and it is for that reason that I gave the mediumnidad before is not a circus for dreamers, nor a commodity that could...


Information from the spirit, spiritual help to all those who are no longer help, after reading the article reflect on the topic, the disease is an imbalance in the spiritual energies,is like a hole in a shell for this reason ceases to be cuirass to not be able to protect. Every disease entails a past situations where the spirit ceases to connect with the mind and from the moment the disease occurs. The reality is deeper than the space that many of We do perceive,i.e. all reality is based on the spiritual depth of the subject against more materialistic is the subject most exposed to the disease. The mission of all is the spirit of progress and with progress comes the true experience of the soul. Every human being is exposed to the inclinations and materialistic is the struggle to which faces the man and the woman. The disease does not arrive if the love is owner of the spirit and the cure for all illnesses through the spirit and love, but always when one is sick you sho...


Life is an accumulation of experiences some other positive and negative, and all of them we learn,but truly which teaches us to improve are the negative experiences and this issue is difficult to assume for certain individuals, the consciousness of these spirits that have not yet learned the lesson of the because they are on earth is influenced by the veil of the materialism that the sinking in the mire of real suffering and does not let them understand that every act in life is a reason to improve,that is to say when the person is strongly Influenced by the materialistic selfishness is trapped or stagnant and not advance spiritually. Of this we can draw a conclusion, these individuals exist without knowing the real reason why the exist and this is why living a life of torture and suffering, ignorance leads to nothing and in this situation is these brothers. A person who is unaware of his spirit is a be happy because they understand that we sailed by torrents madly as...


La vida es un cúmulo de experiencias algunas negativas y otras positivas, y de todas ellas aprendemos,pero verdaderamente la que nos enseña a mejorar son las experiencias negativas y esa cuestión es difícil de asumir para ciertos individuos, la consciencia de estos espíritus que aún no han aprendido la lección del porqué se encuentran en la tierra está influenciada por el velo del materialismo que los hunde en el fango del verdadero sufrimiento y no les deja comprender que todo acto en la vida es un motivo para mejorar,es decir cuando la persona está fuertemente influenciada por el egoísmo materialista queda atrapada o estancada y no adelanta espiritualmente. De esto podemos sacar una conclusión estos individuos existen sin saber el verdadero motivo por el que existen y por esta razón viven una existencia de tortura y sufrimiento, la ignorancia conduce a la nada y en esa situación se encuentra estos hermanos. Una persona que tiene consciencia de su espíritu es un ser feliz porque co...


Outside of the spiritual world and the reality of the spirit there is only the unhappiness, any individual who lives away from his own spirit never really becomes known and is therefore easy prey for the darkness. For a complete realization of the being is the spiritual knowledge necessary to depart from the suffering that produces the vacuum of love of the superficial beings. One of the most serious failings of the lower spirits is the lack of compassion, which leads to everything that surrounds it to chaos, i.e. the one that enjoys breaking pain to his fellow men is located in the lower scales of the spirituality, once that desencarnan return to the spiritual level that you correspond where there is only the loneliness and pain, this is the bitter fruit that have that taste for their bad actions. All spirit has to move forward because it is a spiritual law never regress in the spiritual world because what is learned at the spiritual level never forget remains as a seal ...


Fuera del mundo espiritual y de la realidad del espíritu solo existe la infelicidad, todo individuo que vive alejado de su propio espíritu nunca llega a conocerse realmente y en consecuencia es presa fácil de la oscuridad. Para una realización completa del ser  es necesario el conocimiento espiritual para apartarse del sufrimiento que produce el vacío de amor de los seres superficiales. Uno de las faltas más graves de los espíritus inferiores es la falta de compasión, que conduce a todo lo que le rodea al caos, es decir aquel que goza infringiendo dolor a sus semejantes se encuentra en las escalas mas bajas de la espiritualidad, una vez que desencarnan regresan al nivel espiritual que le corresponden donde solo existe la soledad y el dolor, este es el fruto amargo que tienen que saborear por sus malas acciones. Todo espíritu tiene que progresar porque es una ley espiritual nunca se retrocede en el mundo espiritual porque lo que se aprende a nivel espiritual nunca se olvida queda...


To understand this article we have to expand the mind toward the eternal reality of the spirit, we are free spirits owners of our actions therefore we choose the way that we want to continue, our journey is eternal and life after life we learn lessons that serves us for spiritual progress and to understand who we are. Everything is directed to a single reality love, ignore this order loving is what builds our suffering, without love there is no happiness is a compelling evidence. An injury to a similar in this life is a debt to pay for it on the next incarnation and many of these harsh tests pass by the coexistence with people that make us in some way suffer many of these suffering arrive to be genuine torture to which the suffers, that is why we must be aware that all that happens to us is the payment for our bad actions in past lives, to suffer in our own meats the pain to learn how to do no harm to any being, to show respect for all beings is the lesson last and last or...


Para entender este artículo tenemos que expandir la mente hacia la realidad eterna del espíritu, somos espíritus libres dueños de nuestras acciones por lo tanto escogemos el camino que queremos seguir, nuestro viaje es eterno y vida tras vida aprendemos lecciones que nos sirve para el progreso espiritual y para comprender quienes somos. Todo está dirigido para una sola realidad el amor, ignorar este fin amoroso es lo que construye nuestro sufrimiento, sin amor no hay felicidad es una evidencia indiscutible. Un daño a un semejante en esta vida es una deuda a pagar en la próxima encarnación y muchas de esas duras pruebas pasan por la convivencia con personas que nos hacen de algún modo sufrir muchos de esos sufrimientos llegan a ser auténticas torturas para el que la sufre, por eso debemos ser consciente que todo los que nos sucede es el pago por nuestros malas acciones en vidas pasadas, sufrir en nuestras propias carnes el dolor para aprender a no causar daño a ningún ser, RESPETAR a ...


Have you ever wondered if you're verderamente free if so you can be on their way to find a beautiful reality that meets your passage through this world, our existence can be contaminated by ideas and traditional practices that in some way make us prisoner, the reality is sometimes a bad fiction created by systems of thought, which in many occasions make the unhappy spirit and achieve the individual have a unhappy existence or simply without satisfactory emotional arguments. When an individual discovers that everything around you doesn't make him happy now is the time to find satisfactory outputs and to find good arguments for a more complete expression, is a signal that perhaps has not been sufficiently worked out about who we are or what we do here. Everything is organized to make us believe that what you see is what you are, but in reality only the most superficial ojeas,we are contaminated by a series of materialistic beliefs that serve only to create u...


Alguna vez te has preguntado si verderamente eres libre si es así puedes estar en camino de encontrar una hermosa realidad que satisfaga tu paso por este mundo, nuestra existencia puede estar contaminada por ideas y constumbres que en cierto modo nos  hacen preso, la realidad a veces es una mala ficción creada por sistemas de pensamientos que en muchas ocasiones hacen al espíritu infeliz y logran del individuo tener una existencia desdichada o simplemente sin argumentos emocionales satisfactorios. Cuando un individuo descubre que todo lo que le rodea  no le hace feliz es hora de buscar salidas satisfactorias y de encontrar buenos argumentos para una realización mas completa, es la señal de que tal vez no se ha meditado lo suficiente sobre quienes somos o que hacemos aquí. Todo está organizado para hacernos creer que lo que ves es lo que eres, pero en realidad solo ojeas lo mas superficial,estamos contaminados por una serie de creencias materialistas que solo sirven para cre...


    everything that I write in this blog is the knowledge gained from my experiences spiritualists, i want to make it clear that I am a medium and i am convinced that there is only one road to freedom and that is love,love without conditions, therefore the vision of hell and the paradise of the spiritual is a medium to light delivered and is the result of my experiences in the spiritual world, both with the brothers that pulsate in the more subtle spheres or elevated spiritual plane as the that abound in the areas most rude ,lower or materilistas, each one of you are free to think whatever they want but here I leave you my Testimony to help the one that needs of love without conditions.  We are all travellers wandering and we drive our life through our thoughts and acts, that is to say each time that we give ourselves over to the aid of the similar we are closer to the happiness only because our goal is that of absolute happiness and it is found in the ...


Todo lo que escribo en este blog es el conocimiento adquirido de mis experiencias espiritistas, quiero dejar claro que yo soy médium y estoy convencido que hay un solo camino hacia la libertad y es el AMOR,amar sin condiciones, por lo tanto la visión del infierno y del paraíso espiritual es la de un médium entregado a luz y es la consecuencia de mis experiencias en el mundo espiritual , tanto con los hermanos que vibran en las esferas más sutiles o elevadas del plano espiritual como los que pululan por las esferas mas groseras ,inferiores o materilistas, cada uno de vosotros sois libres de pensar lo que quieran pero aquí les dejo mi testimonio para servir de ayuda al que necesite de amor sin condiciones. Todos somos viajeros errantes y conducimos nuestra existencia mediante nuestros pensamientos y actos, es decir cada vez que nos entregamos a la ayuda del semejante estamos más cerca de la felicidad porque nuestra meta única es la de la felicidad absoluta y esta se encuentra en los pl...


READ AND THINK TO BE HAPPY.First i would like to clarify that everything i write here is a product of my own personal experience therefore for me is an absolute truth, I am a medium and since very young, I communicated with the spiritual brothers, practical as a general rule, the automatic writing and the transfer of thoughts or exchange of thoughts with the spiritual world, I have always worked in the anonymity and exclusively for the relief of the needy spirits of light or unhappy, my work in the world of spirits is attracted to the light to the unhappy spirits and impart a bit of peace for this I am using the aid of the spirits high which protect me when My spirit is working in the areas of lowest vibration or spiritual darkness, the protection granted always God when the mission is of pure love toward the neighbor, later in the next few articles clarify these issues more deeply. Always want to make it clear that what I write here is my truth and each of the brothers to...


 LEAN Y MEDITEN PARA SER FELICES.Primero quiero aclarar que todo lo que escribo aquí es producto de mi experiencia personal por lo tanto para mi es una verdad absoluta, yo soy médium y desde muy joven me comunico con los hermanos espirituales, práctico por regla general la escritura autómatica y la transferencia de pensamientos o intercambio de pensamientos con el mundo espiritual, siempre he trabajado en el anonimato y exclusivamente para el auxilio de los espíritus necesitados de luz  o infelices, mi labor en el mundo de los espíritus  es atraer hacia la luz a los espíritus infelices y procurarle un poco de paz para ello me sirvo de la ayuda de los espíritus elevados los cuales me protegen cuando mi espíritu trabaja  en las zonas de mas baja vibración espiritual o de oscuridad, la protección siempre la concede Dios cuando la misión es por  puro amor hacia los semejantes, mas adelante en próximos artículos aclaré mas profundamente estos temas. Siempre quier...


The natural sex has nothing wrong what is aberrant sexual practices are not consensual, those that do harm to the spirit, the violation or any kind of sexual abuse is a serious insult to God, those individuals who do damage to innocent human beings are received by the absolute loneliness in the spiritual world and suffer severe torture of consciousness in a total darkness until they renew the love that a day left in some faraway spot of the soul. In the spiritual world there is no sexual orientation because the spirits do not have sex defined that is subject of the need for procreation and to quench the instincts of the human being,the high spirits are drifting away from topics materilistas,but within the sex there is a spiritual part why these spirits loving advise us that the best way to practice sex is that undertaken by love, provided that the amor act of presence, the dawn of God andLoving light also is present in the same way. Also in this way protect us from the dan...


The spiritual medicine is one that is dedicated to the healing of the spirit,all possess the regenerative power that offers the spiritual world because essentially we are spirits composed of energy that i call essence of life. When the defenses of the spirit are low we have a feeling of discomfort, anxiety or restlessness, a spirit strengthened brims with exuberance because the connections of the spirit work correctly on the contrary of a spirit with the defenses weakened. From the spiritual world working spirits high in the healing of these spiritual illnesses that as I said in some other occasion in turn causes physical illness on the individual, spirit and body have to operate in harmony otherwise arrive the physical and mental problems.  The people who care little about the spiritual side are not aware of the healing power of the spirit, because they forget that they are part of the creation and therefore the vast majority of these people often have great emotional...


This article is written for those who do not know the power of spiritual love and suffer as a result the spiritual loneliness in the dark ignorance. I declared lover of the light,i am spiritist origin or medium of brotherly love and my sole purpose in this existence is to teach the truth from the spiritual side because it is only from this prism can be recognize our spiritual source, do not ask for anything in return, my sole purpose is to disseminate the light in a world without hope sad and blinded by selfishness materialistic,from the spirituality lead me in the darkest moments to not lose the way because I am like all of you and I suffer ill imperfect moments that ground overcome with a good prayer addressed to the love and with faith in the light my inseparable companion that always brought me to the bad times. Once the force of the spiritual love is rooted in the spirit everything that surrounds us becomes more consistent, more clean and doubts are cleared on the rea...


Este artículo está escrito para los que no conocen el poder del amor espiritual y sufren por ello la soledad espiritual EN la oscura ignorancia. Yo me declaro amante de la luz,soy espirita o médium del amor fraternal y mi único fin en esta existencia es enseñar la verdad desde el lado espiritual porque solo desde ese prisma se puede reconocer nuestro origen espiritual, no pido nada a cambio, mi único fin es divulgar la luz en un mundo triste sin esperanza y cegado por el egoísmo materialista,desde la espiritualidad me guían en los momentos mas oscuros para no perder el camino porque yo soy como todos vosotros imperfecto y SUFRO  malos momentos que suelo superar con una buena oración dirigida al amor  y con la fe en la luz mi compañera inseparable que siempre me sacó de los malos momentos. Una vez que la fuerza del amor espiritual está arraigada en el espíritu todo lo que nos  rodea se hace más coherente,mas limpio y se aclaran dudas sobre el motivo del porque estamos a...


We walked by the existence without knowing fully who we are mainly due to the distance with our own spirit, basically most of the individuals involved to exist in the superficiality and do not delve beyond, that is where truly is the essence of life. The majority of the emotional problems are due to the loss of spirituality, when the be known to your soul is dissolve the anguish of the superficiality because enters the land of happiness and this is achieved with reflect deeply on the issues of being. Look at the spirit face-to-face means find answers to questions about the genesis of the love of where many souls away from due to the free choice that gives us a light, if we used the same free will or spiritual and intellectual individuality for walking in the direction of the truth the happiness would be common in the human being but in the majority of us it is not thus eligimos the opposite direction to the love that is blind materialism that sinks to the spirit in the bli...


We are all spirits energy bone and therefore we are influenced by the spiritual energy, which we attract or do we rebuff it according to our affinity, we connect to the universe through the thoughts and those same thoughts attract other thoughts related , so you will understand if an individual walks for life between negative thoughts at the end everything that surrounds you will be negative. It is a spiritual law that you can't argue, we are constantly surrounded by spirits around us that at the same time influencing our daily acts if that surround us are dark spirits our existence will be very harmful and our inspirations be one hundred percent negative. But if on the contrary we are surrounded by positive influences our inspirations will be beneficial for the magnetism that leave our around the spirits high. It is therefore very important to be a positive person and generous with the world mainly due to the gratifying that is the love in yourself and also to protect...


RESPECT FOR LIFE,MESSAGE FROM THE SPIRIT is eternal life and death is ephemeral or transient that is the premise with which you are working from the spirit and from that point of saying that life is not all what you see is what the human being fails to perceive because of their tenacious adherence to the superficial that lasting peace is what disappears when it reaches the death of the body, each day I see people that exist solely to amass wealth without any coherence and reflection or to work without any specific purpose simply are immersed in a fictional life for losing their existence in the nothing. The work is a common good and is good for the spirit always and when you have a regenerator and produces some happiness, there is no lasting peace is to live to work if you do not work to live. Life will be extended toward the infinite and the death of the body is only an extension toward the freedom of the spirit where is truly at home, at this point there is that give a s...


This article is extracted from a communication mediumnica therefore the text is written through automatic writing by the medium that i am, and issued by a loving spirit and is a brief presentation on the blindness material in some individuals and the consequences of selfishness of the materialistic when returns to the spiritual world. I ask you to reflect on what you read and are aware of who is actually, nobody should be forced to believe and just ask them some meditation.The spirit has free will and for the same reason is free to choose its own path. Walk toward where your heart direct you.  The message is the decadence of the spirit whose only mission is to carry the spirit in his brief stay in the land.In short the idea the part is the part that disappears once the soul rises to its natural place spirituality. Those who seek to make the matter of its means existence falls into the great defeat of the soul and that it is ignorance that disrupts the spirit not in the...


To all those who read this article to explain how that all the assertions that i present in this brief text have been drawn from the personal experience through communication with spirits who at the time chose what they thought the easiest way out suicide and in its terrible error returned to explain communication mediumnica the serious consequence of suicide in the spiritual world. The first thing that are these spirits is misery and great solitude and very often will repent in the same moment that they were committing the act but there is no turning back, the error is committed.  Then begins the long struggle of learning not to re-break the chain of life that in itself is a test to pass by each one of us. The light, God or whatever you want to call, I personally called him God is infinite love and his gift from the starting point or origin is the life,we have to learn to take care of this life, and therefore we were offered free choice. Many do not recognize such gre...