READ AND THINK TO BE HAPPY.First i would like to clarify that everything i write here is a product of my own personal experience therefore for me is an absolute truth, I am a medium and since very young, I communicated with the spiritual brothers, practical as a general rule, the automatic writing and the transfer of thoughts or exchange of thoughts with the spiritual world, I have always worked in the anonymity and exclusively for the relief of the needy spirits of light or unhappy, my work in the world of spirits is attracted to the light to the unhappy spirits and impart a bit of peace for this I am using the aid of the spirits high which protect me when My spirit is working in the areas of lowest vibration or spiritual darkness, the protection granted always God when the mission is of pure love toward the neighbor, later in the next few articles clarify these issues more deeply. Always want to make it clear that what I write here is my truth and each of the brothers to read this has freeRecently I decided to write about my experiences of doing this blog, to humbly trying to convince of the reality of the spirit and the happiness that produces be aware of who we really are. Death only live in the consciousness, actually the physical death is only the step that all we have to give toward freedom, because the true freedom is the spiritual which is why it is vital to know our spirit in the present existence will save us a lot of suffering in the spiritual world,the reason for this is that when we know the spirit we see a different reality to the existence that the materialistic ignorance i believe in our subconscious, exist without spiritual knowledge is like the lack of water for the thirsty,there's always something that without knowing what it is exactly we will hamper the life and this is due to the hidden call of our spirit toward a reality that is illuminating the spiritual. will to believe what they want.
 From the prism of a spiritist origin as i can bear witness to the terrible suffering that suffer the spirits that lived embodied in the ground when only had a worldly objective materialism, there in the spiritual plane feel alone and with the idea of earthly desires that they can no longer obtain physically, his terrible spiritual ignorance creates a fictitious reality and in many occasions they are not aware of its situation, in the belief that were still alive, imagine that torture for the spirit that is prisoner of own and dark reality. This is not to say that being corrupted and gifting everything they own ,you just have to be more generous with the needy, and above all be aware that the step by the earth is ephemeral or very short is inconsistent live to work without more objective than the ridiculous desire to accumulate material things for that in a short period of time are here, remember that nothing you can take in the last trip except your own spirit, and with this the emotions and experiences in the existence.
 In the spiritual world is only rated the love there are no social classes or powerful all are equal and the only thing that distinguishes the spirits is the vibrational level in which they are situated is say a person who was very rich in the earth in the spiritual world may be the poorest of the spirits and suffer the darkness and the most absolute solitude for having been selfish ,because true poverty is the spiritual, the same is true for all the people who lived a existence erroneous or away from the love of God. To be truly happy must to look at life from the spirit, and for that reason, we must live in harmony with themselves, give love and get love is the law of universal love. Think deeply about what you have read and walk toward God.


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