you ever wondered if you're verderamente free if so you can be on their way to
find a beautiful reality that meets your passage through this world, our
existence can be contaminated by ideas and traditional practices that in some
way make us prisoner, the reality is sometimes a bad fiction created by systems
of thought, which in many occasions make the unhappy spirit and achieve the
individual have a unhappy existence or simply without satisfactory emotional
arguments. When an individual discovers that everything around you doesn't make
him happy now is the time to find satisfactory outputs and to find good
arguments for a more complete expression, is a signal that perhaps has not been
sufficiently worked out about who we are or what we do here. Everything is
organized to make us believe that what you see is what you are, but in reality
only the most superficial ojeas,we are contaminated by a series of materialistic
beliefs that serve only to create unhappiness and empty.
The search for that knowledge can sometimes be very complicated due to the root
of the old traditional practices but once that the explosion of knowledge inside
is revealed, the only real way is spirituality. The inner searching must be done
through meditation it reveals the way to continue the search for the liberation
of the spirit through the knowledge inside. This is basically to seek the things
that make us unhappy and the real reason why these issues have dominated our
lives brings the inner emptiness. Each individual must reach their personal
conclusions and once detected the imperfections to get to work on getting
better. When you walk through the world awake all verderamente is more beautiful
because every word or action is performed from the spirit or
consciousness,reveals a deeper existence where love is who verderamente directs
our life, this meets the be and releases of lies the consciousness.
Just what makes you happy to its same time makes you free. How to know if you ve
truly succeeded in freeing the spirit of the lie, because I said that this is an
individual matter, but what unites us all and that if it is part of the
collective or of the universe is the positivism. We are all equal nothing
differentiates us, the differences were created by societies in defense of
absurd lies full of selfishness. All working together and with unconditional
love to eradicate the world misery, hunger and epidemics that can be controlled
with a simple vaccine. An education free from selfish arguments as to assume
that only triumphs in life, when they can be immensely rich, true education
should be devoted to instill values such as altruism, generosity and brotherhood
among peoples. A free spirit is that which is moved by the love.
Everything you do with generosity is a sign that the spirit is rising above
absurd lies it is time to know yourself, to be happy and to build a world more
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