The spiritual medicine is one that is dedicated to the healing of the spirit,all possess the regenerative power that offers the spiritual world because essentially we are spirits composed of energy that i call essence of life. When the defenses of the spirit are low we have a feeling of discomfort, anxiety or restlessness, a spirit strengthened brims with exuberance because the connections of the spirit work correctly on the contrary of a spirit with the defenses weakened. From the spiritual world working spirits high in the healing of these spiritual illnesses that as I said in some other occasion in turn causes physical illness on the individual, spirit and body have to operate in harmony otherwise arrive the physical and mental problems.
 The people who care little about the spiritual side are not aware of the healing power of the spirit, because they forget that they are part of the creation and therefore the vast majority of these people often have great emotional and physical imbalances, it is clear that those who live outside the circle of God, does not know the true power of love. So powerful is the healing power of the spirit that even in people with advanced diseases arrive to be cured because they rely on their medicine at the right time, cases of these there are many only have to look on the internet , are sometimes termed miracles and that is the power of faith and love which interacts in the individual through the help of a spiritual brother
 Tips for balancing Spirit-mind -body. Sincere and daily prayer, the prayer is the direct connection with the love and is a healthy habit that protects the spirit of impurities and revitalizes. Noble thoughts, with this the spirit and comforts to the same time attracts our lives good energies, affinity with love is synonymous with happiness. Faith in oneself and in others, not to walk on the world by believing that they are all evil and that no one deserves a hug, the spiritual loneliness corrodes the soul and weakens it. Within the physical part there is that living a healthy life we cannot leave the spirit all the work there is to help you keep away from us the bad habits, remember spirit - body - mind is a connection that you have to have a correct frequency, if you drink in excess dosing regimen will end with a liver disease and if you smoke in excess with lung cancer it is obvious i i call this a slow suicide is a serious and relief to the spirit. There is to walk through the world reflecting on the truth,it has to be a relentless pursuit, a soul that progresses it is always in search of the true God.
 Taking Care of the root will grow a healthy tree and the light of the sun will shine your work by the force in the, do you remember that the spiritual brothers are always at your service only requires a sincere call and they will come with pleasure to the beautiful work of spiritual relief.


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