The current lifestyle is very far from the spiritual harmony, stress is the ultimate consequence of a way of life based on the materiality. There are many reasons why the physical stress although it has a common origin only the lack of spirituality.The lack of spirituality brings restlessness, this brings problems sometimes imaginary to the mind and consumes the person in insecurities ending in serious physical and mental problems.Spiritual people have a concept of the existence simpler based on harmony and simplicity for the acts of his life for this reason are happier than the materialistic people who take the existence as a career high competition whose sole purpose is to win and get the false success at any cost.
Should know that real success is one that is shared and, above all, is the one that shines by his humility.
Life is a gift whose purpose is to learn how to be better people, sometimes we won other lose is part of life, understand this takes us away from the way of life based on the unrestrained competition win is known in the things that we yearn for truth, the true desires are born of the spirit and meet the real needs of the being, are goals that produce a happiness clean.
Losing is part of learning and it is truly useful, if we manage the failures with the most intimate part of our being that is the spirit will take advantage of the failure to learn from a smart way about the cause of the failure.
Stress occurs in the person when you don't have a positive motivation,real and above all when the individual moves away from the goodness, love, protects the be of negativity. We could say that the lack of love to the similar and everything that surrounds us leads us to styles of lives disrupted that lack of noble values.To live a life that is more in line with the love makes us enjoy what we have with more intensity, makes us appreciate the small details of the life and ultimately human beings more full and happy.

Protect yourself from the stress leading a life more spiritual, start by assessing your own existence through deep reflection, are looking for in the Serenity a style of life, stay away from the competition without arguments, and the most important thing , whatever you want that is suited to your desires. All you produce desosiego, anxiety or concern is not a good way of life,change the factors and you'll be good arguments to live and be happy.


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