When the economic power blinds THE SPIRIT

The material power is ephemeral, the accumulation of power and wealth in a way disproportionate overrides the spiritual senses and sinks to the human being in the absolute vacuum,the generosity with those who need it the most opens the doors of the spiritual reality and strengthens the spirit in the truth.Humility opens the doors to the happiness and attracts human beings related to this happiness.This is not to say that a person who is powerful is doomed to unhappiness, because the unhappiness is not caused by the power,the unhappiness is a product of the ingratitude with God for not manage in a generous way its material power,Think that on Earth all is ephemeral and passing. Some people have such an accumulation of riches that are more than enough to live in luxury for thousands of lives,this is an aberration in the face of the greatness of God. It is a selfishness so blind that suffer from some people who live blocked an entire existence believing that this is the case, at the end die alone and dejected in a vacuum more bitter and all.

I am not a religious person but I believe in the profound values of spiritual love, God for me is pure love, a dormant state of happiness, I think that you can believe in God and not to be religious, and I also think that it can be religious and live in love, is as easy as to be just and generous with your fellows and with everything that the existence provides us.Over and above any material wealth is the happiness that can only provide the moral values that offers love, when the person is aware of the true reality that only love can reveal deeper begins the journey toward happiness.It is very right that a person who has worked hard or even inherited live a comfortable life, no one can blame that but it is even more fair than that person help you with a minimum part of its wealth to that of a temporary form are in unfair situations caused by economic scarcity.

Remember that this life is temporary and that in the ephemeral you can pick fruit sweet and bitter fruit ripens or simply, taking care of the spirit of this generating the happiness of the future.
I believe that each one of us from the moment we are born, we bring a mission and this can be very varied but all have one point in common the love,that is why we have to leave the footprint of the justice in everything that we do,In this way when we leave this life we will do so in harmony with ourselves and with God himself.

In our daily life at every moment we have the opportunity to create a more just world.


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