We are all hikers in different paths but at the end there is only one horizon
for all, there are those who choose wrong paths and in its arrogance did not
want to admit that the direction they chose was erroneous, many others due to
the spiritual blindness are not aware that they walk to the edge of the rope and
very probably end up falling into the abyss of suffering but there are also
those that recognize the leadership in the humility of spirit and these walk in
harmony because they understand that there is a truth that is called freedom of
the spirit at the end of the destination.
Since the spirit I write taking advantage of the experience that gives me a life of communication and help with the spirits in the spiritual world there is genuine happiness but also the darker suffering, the most beautiful experience for me when it comes to high souls that only you communicate happiness and tips for the spiritual benefit,but there is also sadness and anger of those who lost the way on these brothers only make one thing clear is the reality and give him a little bit of peace are in the hands of God and in his time will recognize their error.
In the earth exactly the same thing is happening there is extremely cruel people whose spirit twisted suffer the aberration of the darkness authentic psychopaths that they do not feel the suffering of others, then there is long range of people with imperfections varied call it selfishness, envy, bitterness, arrogance, materilistas ends and many more, depends on the negativity of the spirit and its roots in the imperfection that suffers once you leave the body goes to a spiritual level or scale that can extend from the most absolute solitude or total darkness for the spirits more twisted until the light more beautiful for the spirits more dematerialized for example the who lived a life of love of neighbor. Depends on the imperfection as well will be the suffering for the spirit.
Learning for the spirit depends on how quickly your spirit is aware of the reality of its mistake and that beyond its blindness there is a world of love waiting for the rest of the spirit, God or the light as you want to call is waiting with open arms to their spiritual children, the energy of light is absolute love and join that energy is the goal of all the spirits who discovered the truth in love.
As a council i propose to do an act of reflection or deep meditation on his life and to get back to work in their imperfections to arrive as quickly as possible to the harmony of the spirit and find the light of love once we leave the body or desencarnemos. Remember that hell does not exist by the most beautiful of the reasons the light is love and who loves does not suffer to their children, but if there is a long result on our past acts and we paid the invoice in the spiritual world through the bad experiences of self-consciousness. To improve ourselves as spirits we tap back to pay debts through reincarnation although this is another item that I'll write it in next articles.
Search your inside and you will discover that there is a path called humility where happiness is perfect.
Since the spirit I write taking advantage of the experience that gives me a life of communication and help with the spirits in the spiritual world there is genuine happiness but also the darker suffering, the most beautiful experience for me when it comes to high souls that only you communicate happiness and tips for the spiritual benefit,but there is also sadness and anger of those who lost the way on these brothers only make one thing clear is the reality and give him a little bit of peace are in the hands of God and in his time will recognize their error.
In the earth exactly the same thing is happening there is extremely cruel people whose spirit twisted suffer the aberration of the darkness authentic psychopaths that they do not feel the suffering of others, then there is long range of people with imperfections varied call it selfishness, envy, bitterness, arrogance, materilistas ends and many more, depends on the negativity of the spirit and its roots in the imperfection that suffers once you leave the body goes to a spiritual level or scale that can extend from the most absolute solitude or total darkness for the spirits more twisted until the light more beautiful for the spirits more dematerialized for example the who lived a life of love of neighbor. Depends on the imperfection as well will be the suffering for the spirit.
Learning for the spirit depends on how quickly your spirit is aware of the reality of its mistake and that beyond its blindness there is a world of love waiting for the rest of the spirit, God or the light as you want to call is waiting with open arms to their spiritual children, the energy of light is absolute love and join that energy is the goal of all the spirits who discovered the truth in love.
As a council i propose to do an act of reflection or deep meditation on his life and to get back to work in their imperfections to arrive as quickly as possible to the harmony of the spirit and find the light of love once we leave the body or desencarnemos. Remember that hell does not exist by the most beautiful of the reasons the light is love and who loves does not suffer to their children, but if there is a long result on our past acts and we paid the invoice in the spiritual world through the bad experiences of self-consciousness. To improve ourselves as spirits we tap back to pay debts through reincarnation although this is another item that I'll write it in next articles.
Search your inside and you will discover that there is a path called humility where happiness is perfect.
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