everything that I write in this blog is the knowledge gained from my experiences spiritualists, i want to make it clear that I am a medium and i am convinced that there is only one road to freedom and that is love,love without conditions, therefore the vision of hell and the paradise of the spiritual is a medium to light delivered and is the result of my experiences in the spiritual world, both with the brothers that pulsate in the more subtle spheres or elevated spiritual plane as the that abound in the areas most rude ,lower or materilistas, each one of you are free to think whatever they want but here I leave you my Testimony to help the one that needs of love without conditions. We are all travellers wandering and we drive our life through our thoughts and acts, that is to say each time that we give ourselves over to the aid of the similar we are closer to the happiness only because our goal is that of absolute happiness and it is found in the ...