
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2017

The AWAKENING OF THE SOUL, against intolerance

Life is so ephemeral and temporary that when it comes to physical death has given virtually no time to wake up from the dream in which the majority of human beings we are. All human beings, howtos, timeless spiritual entities we bring a mission , to better ourselves morally to be able to move on to a higher vibration levels. This progress is achieved by helping others to be happier, for example by providing food and water to those who have the least, collaborating on projects to improve the lives of those who suffer, care for and protect the weak, any situation that will serve to improve what surrounds us is a good way toward the progress of the spirit itself. We are surrounded by suffering and injustice and our obligation is to eradicate to the extent possible all these injustices using to fight our love deep and sincere, we cannot turn our backs to our fellow man because that is giving us back to ourselves. We are all spiritual brothers and come from the same principle that is lov...


La vida  es tan efímera y pasajera que cuando llega la muerte física prácticamente no ha dado tiempo para despertar del sueño en el que la mayoría de los seres humanos nos encontramos.  Todos los seres humanos, comos entes espirituales eternos traemos una misión , la de mejorarnos moralmente para poder pasar a niveles vibraciones mas elevados. Este progreso se consigue ayudando a los semejantes a ser mas felices, por ejemplo proporcionando alimentos y agua a los que menos tienen, colaborando en proyectos para mejorar la vida de los que sufren, cuidar y proteger a los más débiles, cualquier situación que sirva para mejorar  lo que nos rodea es un camino bueno hacia el progreso del propio espíritu. Estamos rodeado de sufrimientos e injusticias y nuestra obligación es erradicar en la medida de lo posible todas esas injusticias utilizando para luchar nuestro amor mas profundo y sincero, no podemos dar la espalda a nuestros semejantes porque eso es darnos la espalda a noso...


We are travellers on a road that is called life, in this way we face the existential tests, all we leave our footprints for good or for bad.All without exception we must submit to the trials of life,is a way for the Creator to better ourselves spiritually. Universal travelers as we have in our hands the opportunity to leave a legacy of love between those who need our help, We can be pilgrims delivered to love, we can also pass through the path as a traveller ambiguous and this is very detrimental to the progress of the spirit,look the other way or give back when we perceive unfair situations degrades the spirit to empty and the inevitable consequence of this is to finish in the bitterness. Everything that we give at the end is received, it is the law of love. When you live with your back to the love you receive the torture of the vacuum, the most absolute solitude is at the end of the life,die as he has lived. All who walk in the path of life we have an obligation to respond to those...


Somos caminantes en un camino que se llama vida, en este camino nos enfrentamos a las pruebas existenciales, todos dejamos nuestras huellas para bien o para mal.Todos sin excepción debemos someternos a las pruebas de la vida,es la forma que tiene el creador de mejorarnos espiritualmente. Como viajeros universales tenemos en nuestra mano la oportunidad de dejar un legado de amor entre los que necesitan de nuestra ayuda, podemos ser peregrinos entregados al amor, también podemos pasar por el camino como un viajero ambiguo y esto es muy perjudicial para el progreso del espíritu,mirar hacia otro lado o dar la espalda cuando percibimos situaciones injustas degrada al espíritu al vacío y la consecuencia inevitable de esto es terminar en la amargura. Todo lo que damos al final se recibe, es la ley del amor. Cuando vives de espalda al amor recibes la tortura del vacío, la soledad más absoluta se encuentra al final de la vida,morir según se ha vivido.  Todos los que caminamos en el send...


All the negative skills have a direct impact on our lives and on our health. To live in harmony with all that surrounds us is the best remedy to keep our body-mind-spirit balanced. Everything we do and think at the end has an impact on ourselves and this happens by the affinity we have with the universe itself creator. That is to say, if we live a life dark and without love ,everything that we find at the end is darkness and suffering, but if we live a life full of love and harmony with all that surrounds us,we will find love and harmony. This is called affinity law universal and all the beings we are subjected to them, is basically like a boomerang that returns to us with a positive or negative charge according to our way of thinking and acting in the present. The consequences of all this may occur in the present life or in subsequent lives, remember that life is a learning experience for the spirit and that we are born of love and come back to the love, for that reason, who lives ...


Todas la aptitudes negativas repercuten directamente sobre nuestra vida y sobre nuestra salud. Vivir  en armonía con  todo lo que nos rodea es el mejor remedio para mantener nuestro cuerpo-mente-espíritu equilibrado. Todo lo que hacemos y pensamos al final repercute sobre nosotros mismos y esto pasa por la afinidad que tenemos con el propio universo creador. Es decir si vivimos una vida oscura y sin amor ,todo lo que encontraremos al final es oscuridad y sufrimiento, pero si vivimos una vida llena de amor y  armonía con todo lo que nos rodea,encontraremos amor y armonía. A esto le llamo ley de afinidad universal y todos los seres estamos sometido a ellas, es básicamente como un boomerang  que vuelve a nosotros con una carga negativa o positiva según nuestra forma de pensar y actuar en el presente. Las consecuencias de todo esto  se puede producir en la vida presente o en vidas posteriores, recuerden que la vida es un aprendizaje para el espíritu y que nacemos...


When I look at the world the first thing that I see is the selfishness that prevails in the society. We are confused believing that what we perceive is the reality, and this is a serious error that confuses and distorts what we really are. Happiness is out of what you perceive and that is one reason we impose beliefs inherited perhaps from the origins of civilization,the time where conceptualized a model of consciousness applied to the stricter materialism that is the human being today. When the existence is governed by a few models based on materialism human being whose sole purpose is the pursuit of the accumulation of a welfare false ,occurs that everything passes without make sure of what actually occurs, the spiritual consciousness is lost and with it the original concepts of happiness. Many people at the end of his life are with a vacuum and wonder what it is they have done in reality in its existence this is in the best of cases as others drop out of existence without being a...

When the economic power blinds THE SPIRIT

The material power is ephemeral, the accumulation of power and wealth in a way disproportionate overrides the spiritual senses and sinks to the human being in the absolute vacuum,the generosity with those who need it the most opens the doors of the spiritual reality and strengthens the spirit in the truth. Humility opens the doors to the happiness and attracts human beings related to this happiness.This is not to say that a person who is powerful is doomed to unhappiness, because the unhappiness is not caused by the power,the unhappiness is a product of the ingratitude with God for not manage in a generous way its material power, Think that on Earth all is ephemeral and passing. Some people have such an accumulation of riches that are more than enough to live in luxury for thousands of lives,this is an aberration in the face of the greatness of God. It is a selfishness so blind that suffer from some people who live blocked an entire existence believing that this is the case, at the en...


El poder material es efímero, la acumulación de poder y riquezas en una forma desproporcionada anula los sentidos espirituales y hunde al ser humano en el vacío mas absoluto,la generosidad con los que mas lo necesitan abre las puertas de la realidad espiritual y fortalece al espíritu en la verdad. La humildad abre las puertas a la felicidad y atrae seres afines a esta felicidad.Con esto no quiero decir que una persona que es poderosa esté condenada a la infelicidad, porque la infelicidad no la provoca el poder que tiene,la infelicidad es producto de la  ingratitud con Dios por no gestionar de una manera generosa su poder material,pensemos que en la tierra todo es efímero y pasajero. Algunas personas tienen tal acumulación de riquezas que les sobraría para vivir en lujos durante miles de vidas,esto es una aberración ante la grandeza de Dios. Es un egoísmo tan ciego el que padecen algunas personas que viven bloqueadas toda una existencia creyendo que esa es la realidad, al final ...