cleansing of negative spiritual energies, life project

I write this publication with the experience of the years of communication with the spiritual world.
About me I can tell you that I am medium whose life I have dedicated to guiding the spirits to the light.
To carry out this type of spiritual work you have to have a connection with very deep light, much humility and above all an unconditional love for all beings in the universe.
It is very dangerous to perform spiritual healing without having a complete spiritual preparation.
The cleaning of homes, businesses, even plots before building is advisable to make a good life project.
Among the most important spiritual dangers that we can find in places are the impregnation of negative energies due to some traumatic event happened in the past, murders, suicides and other causes these negative energies somewhat alter the psyche of the local inhabitants energetically weakening
people especially to the weakest mentally and emotionally.
The second problem and this if it can cause serious problems to people is the possession of the place of evil spirits they cling to the weakest people and obsess it to such an extent that the person can reach total madness and suicide.
Not all spirits that stick to a place are evil, there are other causes such as attachment to life, unfulfilled promises and other causes, but they definitely all need light because in one way or another they are clinging to the earth and have no light.
This cleaning and harmonization of the place when it is done in a house must be done room by room sometimes it is only a part of the house that is affected and we ensure all the house that is clean and harmonized.
This is what I call mediumship of liberation because two objectives are achieved to liberate disembodied spirits by guiding them towards light and liberating people by providing them with a good life project.
If you need help my email is do not hesitate to consult and study your case.


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